Sustainable Environment
Sustainable Environment
We support alternatives to single use plastics
Consumption & Conservation
Consumption & Conservation
We harvest rainwater from our on-site reservoirs
Reduced Carbon Footprint
Reduced Carbon Footprint
With 80% of bedding plants grown onsite
Composting & Recycling
Composting & Recycling
We recycle over 90% of our on-site waste



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Featured image for 'September Beauties in the Herbaceous Garden'
September Beauties in the Herbaceous Garden
3 for £20 during September/October for all Herbaceous Perennials up to £11.99 retail. Late summer and early autumn is……
Colourful Promise – New and Amazing Seasonal Plants
Spring is an optimistic time of year.  In the garden we look forward to the summer ahead, and start planning for Here……
Get Growing Early
Don’t be afraid to grow your own vegetables or bedding plants from seed.  You don’t need a big garden or a……
Plants for Places
Don’t let the sun go down on me! If part of your garden becomes dry and is very sunny, then I may well have a few……
Food for Flowers
If the world were an even place, the natural life cycle of growth and die back would go around in a nice neat circle, a……
Grow your own Rainbow
Now’s the time of year to get out in the garden and plant vegetables and herbs.  If you plan it right, you can ,……
Easy Watering
It is nearly time for our holidays, and we all know what a bother it is to arrange for someone to do the watering for I……
Trendy Herbaceous
Herbaceous perennial plants (non-woody plants that come back year after year) continue to increase in popularity due to……
Goodness Gracious Ericaceous
Ericaceous, or acid loving plants (plants that thrive in a soil pH of 7, neutral, and below over a bedrock of sandstone……
Renaissance is in the air
Tillandsias (air plants) are enjoying a renaissance, having been very popular in the 1970s.  As with all things, if In……
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